Agent Orange: Running 100% Fresh Squeezed Creeks

Agent Orange:  Running 100% Fresh Squeezed Creeks

Friday, July 10, 2009

#23 Joe Wright

Before the Big South gate opened, I had to get my Joe Wright and Spencers in so I headed up with my ol' roomie Paul. You all know him better as P to the K, Paul the Kayaker or 1/2 of the high fiving tandem. We also went up with his new roomie Crystal, who is a sick boater. Sorry gents, she is currently dating Nick Turner, so unless you have built a few whitewater parks, written a guidebook and started a sweet helmet company, I am guessing your resume ain't good enough. We met up at Teds with Nathan, Frenchy, and Marty.

We got to the put in and I ran Cornholio and put down the sickest line ever, as in I wanted to puke after running it. I have never portaged the drop and it was by far and away my worst line, and really the only bad line I can remember having on that drop. You all can see it in the video.

We then bombed on down into Carnito canyon where I am happy to say I had amazing lines and like playing Operation never came close to touching any walls. That rapid is awesome if you head down right of center working right and hit a boof into a swirling eddy boil, then turn 90 degrees to you left and charge over a great boof flake. It reminds me of a smaller version of the cyclotron boof flake, also featured in the vid. Then hook a left around a rock in the middle and stay off the walls. Fun times. Everyone did great and good times were had by all.

After that it is just tight class IV creeking and hoping you have water so ya don't break yer boat.

Joe Wright from Kevin J on Vimeo.

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