Agent Orange: Running 100% Fresh Squeezed Creeks

Agent Orange:  Running 100% Fresh Squeezed Creeks

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Idaho Springs to Boulder (sort of)

After sitting around in Idaho Springs and only snagging Woods I decided that it was time to head to the Boulder area. I began biking down HY 6 to Golden and I was then going to head over to Boulder on HY93 and meet Brian for some Boulder goods.

This did not happen. I never saw any no biking signs leading into HY6 along the canyon until I was quite a ways into it. I also happened to bike past a cop who made me turn around. Here is were the law did not have my best interests in mind. Instead of letting me bike downhill going almost as fast as traffic, and I was only twenty minutes from exiting the canyon, I was forced to ride back out of the canyon which took 45 minutes and then I was told I needed to go up HY119 to Blackhawk. This was a far more dangerous road, with just as much traffic, if not more and no shoulder. Did I mention that everyone driving up was probably either drunk or a blue hair, thus contributing to to the increased danger.

This route also put me on the road for an extra two hours. Not that safe if you ask me. The best part was that the cop was notified that some bikers were drinking and driving and failed to do anything. I passed them as he was letting them go, and when they drove by me they must have thought I had snitched on them so they yelled some words that hurt my virgin ears at me and then raised their beers. Good work Officer Farva.

I had Brian pick me up in Blackhawk because by the time I would have gotten to Boulder this way it would have been night and I was not to keen on riding on Hy119 anymore.

We decided to go and run the Source of Boulder Creek.

This post was basically just a Dennis Miller type rant, sorry.

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