We got up to the run and it looked pretty fun to me with a 200' sluice leading into a ten foot pool and then a 5' ledge boof into another 5' ledge boof. This then led into a pretty technical long rapid which started by being far left under a collapsed bridge. The sketchiness increased with some huge nails hanging down over head and sticking up on the left shore.
Once you passed under the bridge you were immediately bouncing through a set of holes and heading river right. Mank was to be found all around. Towards the end all of the water is crashing off a rock wall on the right and making a curling trough. A couple feet down stream is a 8-10' boof. The problem is that a rock is sticking out on the left and you could easily piton into it if driving too hard to the left, and there is a rock in the dead center that looks like it could break your boat if you landed on it, or at least pig nose if you pitoned. So you have to drive left and thread these to obstacles and it is all good.

All in all a very fun run, just short and worthy of a few laps or definitely combine w/ WF of CC which unfortunately we had time to scout (looked good through Z gorge) but not enough time to run.
P.S. This was my 20th run which was kinda my adjusted goal after I realized I wouldn't make 50 this year. New goal is 25, and 30 might even be possible. (50 is possible, and I think easily so, but I will explain why later)
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