The next morning I got up and started to climb up Highway 131 towards Steamboat. The climb wasn't too bad. I was eyeing Akali Creek, but I would have had to bike back up to it and I didn't know how long it was going to take to get to the Boat so I passed. Once I desceneded to state bridge it was pretty much all up hill to Toponas. Not easy.
Along the way I passed an older gentleman who I had seen at Wolcott the first time I camped there. I caught him because his motor that helped him had spun a gear and he was walking his bike a good portion of the up hill. He was riding his bike to Steamboat cause he had hear there was work. It reminded me of the old days when people heard there was gold in them thar hills, but it was sad that this man has so poor he had to bike with all his belongings to find work. Puts life in perspective for you without having to visit Africa. I do give him mad props for not being one of those people that just collects unemployment and doesn't try to find work, even in this economy.
A historical landmark in Routt County

Toponas is amazing!!! I was out of water and dying when out of know where in the freezing cold comes the town of Toponas. The little store had some heat and beef jerky while I filled my water bottles. (They also have a large assortment of girl scout cookies, and if you are like me and love Somoas than it is up your alley)
I have been on a little Cormac McCarthy binge, but this store reminded me of the little one in "No Country for Old Men"

I have been on a little Cormac McCarthy binge, but this store reminded me of the little one in "No Country for Old Men"
From Toponas I found that it was all pretty much downhill (slightly) with some rolling hills to Steamboat. I got in around 5:30 and went to the library to use the computers and find some boaters. There were none to be had as I went to both kayak shops, called random boaters I didn't know and hung out at the playpark. No one wanted to boat with me. I spent all day Wed. waiting and no one offered. I did get some reading done and finished "The Brief Wonderous Life of Oscar Wao" by Junot Diaz I highly recommend it. I have also been reading "The Road" by Cormac McCarthy also good.
Finally, on Thurs. Marty came to the rescue and we went and boated Upper and Lower Fish Creek.
I put in about 80miles on this leg.
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