On Thursday, Marty Smith and myself went and ran Upper and Lower Fish Creek. You can put in right below Fish Creek Falls where the NF of the Fish comes in but there was some wood and we put in below the bridge. (I guess there was wood in the NF so I couldn't run it) Please clean Steamboaters, please.
The Fish is super fun and fast boating. It is like boating big water in a shallow creek bed if that makes sense. You definitely do not want to go upside down on this run. Mostly just heads up read and run.
The put in view from the bridge

You don't have to get out of your boat, but there is a weir that Marty said had caused some damage to a very good boater so we walked around that and that begins the lower section. It starts out much like the upper and then begins to mellow out, however around the golf course it picks up again before mellowing all the way to the take out.
The best part is that it is right in Steamboat, you take out at the Safeway parking lot. I would love to do this run before and after work everyday.
On Friday a certain Ft. Collins boater showed up to boat with me and we ran Fish again with Marty. This time was much more fun for myself since I knew what to expect I just looked for good rock boofs and there are plenty of them, including right at the put in.
For the certain boater things did not go as well as you can see below:
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